About Us & History
Our Mission
The Saratoga Thoroughbrews is a club of dedicated home brewers whose mission is to educate and inform its members in brewing techniques, tasting, and judging beer. As a club, we engage in enjoyable social activities focused on brewing and the appreciation of beer.
About Us
The Saratoga Thoroughbrews is a homebrew club that was founded in 1995 and is a registered club with the American Homebrewers Association. We welcome any and all who are interested in learning about homebrewing, whether you’ve never brewed before or have brewed for 20 years! Our meetings consist of an update on local happenings, upcoming events, & club activities. Each month, we also incorporate an educational aspect, such as judging beer styles or learning about off-flavors. We also leave time to socialize, network and sample homebrew!
There are no membership dues for the club at this time. To be considered an official member on our roster, we ask that you join the American Homebrewers Association and identify the Saratoga Thoroughbrews as your club. It is NOT a requirement to be involved with the club! Feel free to come to a meeting anytime.
For 2019, we’ve started a bi-monthly style competition. 2 BJCP beer styles were chosen, along with the schedule of when to brew them. Members choose if they would like to participate and which beer style they would like to make. Beers are then judged blind, just like in a BJCP competition. It’s a great way to sharpen your senses & learn a little about what it is like to be a beer judge. On the flip side, members get unbiased feedback on their beer.
Click here for the club By-Laws.
Club Officers
President: Cara Groff
Vice President: Frank Fletcher
Treasurer: Don Groff
Secretary: John Coloe
Membership Director: Alex Fredell
At Large: Andrew Hodgson & Luke Boughton